Announced during a Nintendo Direct, REYNATIS is an anime-style action RPG set in the heart of Tokyo, in Shibuya, bringing together big names in the Japanese industry.
Kazushige Nojima, Yoko Shimomura, Yusuke Naora… REYNATIS is a newly announced project that brings together big names who worked on Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. In modern Tokyo, in the heart of the Shibuya district, fantasy and reality collide, driving citizens to fear magic and the powers that come with it. Therefore, wizards are forced to hide their superhuman abilities if they would otherwise be oppressed. In search of his freedom, we follow young Marin as he goes to Shibuya, where he meets Sari, an agent of the MEA, the organization that keeps wizards under control. The entire adventure is implemented through a colorful and dynamic action role-playing game.