The Marvel Cinematic Universe has enjoyed a tremendously talented cast of actors and actresses since its inception. From the Iron Man from Robert Downey Jr to the Captain Marvel by Brie Larson, the House of Ideas has always had good taste when it comes to interpreters.
However, during the first years of the UCMyes it is true that there was an almost total control of male figures
During an interview with Goopthe American actress commented with Gwyneth Paltrow how she felt once she entered the studio, highlighting above all the enormous difference between men and women working on the blockbuster.
“I know you kept saying that to me. You were like ‘Thank God!’ But later on I experienced it too. When I did The Avengers I was also one of the few women. It was like being in a field of turnips.”
Luckily, this trend has been diminishing as the years have passed, and female characters like Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy o Shurien Black Panther are great examples of this trend. Without going any further, the next Marvel movie, The Marvels, will star three superheroines and expects to be a tremendously fun installment.
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