Season 5 of the "cult" series remastered on Netflix today
Today, "She-Ra and the Rebel Princess" continues to air on Netflix for the fifth season. In the new season of the cult series remake, the warrior princess She-Ra must face a new adventure. You can learn what the sequel stores with us.
Season 5 of "She-Ra and the Rebel Princess" starts today on Netflix. After the fourth season [appeared in November 2019] ended with a huge cliff, the adventure of the warrior princess Adora alias She-Ra continued.
- Start May 15, 2020 On Netflix
- Redo Cult series "She Ra-Princess of Power"
The fourth season of "She-Ra and Rebel Princess" ended with Adora destroying the super weapon activated by Light Hope and losing the ability of She-Ra. In addition, due to the defects of Light Hope, Etheria, the residence of Adora, is now within the scope of Despondos, and is at risk of being attacked by Horada Prime Horde Prime. The latter wanted to destroy Ethiopia. In the final episode of Season 4, Catra can still discourage him by telling him about Etheria's heart, but how long can this situation last? Without her "She-Ra" power, how will Adora protect her planet?
The fifth season will definitely provide some answers to these questions. Adora's sword has not been completely destroyed, maybe she will find a way to put the pieces back together. Adora is now back home. This means that you may encounter other well-known characters in "Master of the Universe". In the final episode of Season 4, the Horde also asked the Prime Minister to take Hodak to punish his behavior and "change" him. Here, you can look forward to Hordak's transformation. In Season 5, Catra and Glimmer can also cooperate. This has already begun in the previous episode.
The biggest task Adora and other rebellious princesses must accomplish is of course to save the universe. This is no easy task, especially because the tribal army has the entire fleet. But Adora and the princess were in a dangerous situation before. If a tribe can defeat Prime, it is Adora.
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