Starfield: Beware of certain planets, the director of the game reveals new details and warns!


Starfield: Beware of certain planets, the director of the game reveals new details and warns!

Beware, Details, director, game, planets, reveals, Starfield, warns

game news Starfield: Beware of certain planets, the director of the game reveals new details and warns!

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With the arrival of Starfield in September, the start of the video game season promises to be very hectic! After an entire segment dedicated exclusively to Microsoft’s flagship during this non-E3, Starfield resurfaced for a podcast that Todd Howard, the game’s director, participated in. Upon request, we were able to discover new details about the planets, the way the crew evolves and the different systems that will make this Skyrim in space an unparalleled experience.

New information that will put your head in the stars

Incidentally, now that players have had the chance to attend the lengthy presentation of starfieldfollowing the Xbox conference, The home stretch of communication begins with the next major exclusive version from Microsoft and gradually begins to publish personal computer etc Xbox series. Sorry player PS5 must actually tick this title, although it could have turned out very differently… Anyway, after a little over two months, the project leaders, like Todd Howard, are busy praising and promoting the virtues of this Skyrim in space.

Starfield: Beware of certain planets, the director of the game reveals new details and warns!

Lately, the director of Starfieldmentioned in the previous paragraph, took the time to participate in one of the podcasts Some fun games and make a whole bunch of reveals about the content of the game. For nearly fifty minutes, Todd Howard spoke on certain Microsoft exclusivity points, as seen in the YouTube video below. From planets to vehicles, through interactions with our companions and the many additional activities starfield, Todd Howard left almost no detail out of this exchange and even issued a statement against the modders that must have surely upset the community!

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Planets, crew, romances, modding… This Skyrim set in space is ready to land on the moon

When we listen to him, we can tell Todd Howard is proud of it starfield, sublimated by the contributions of Creation Engine 2, for which he is full of praise, especially with regard to visual effects (fog, gravity, …) and light. Surely, Starfield not only has the trappings to convince, but also the content. On the occasion of this podcast, Todd Howard provided some details about the planets, specifically the fact that they are not Not all are based on the same format : 10% of them, about a hundred, will be populated by a life form, while the others are more used to provide you with resources for your expeditions. In addition, exploring a planet in search of resources will not be an easy task Todd Howard has confirmed that there will be no ground vehicles : Your jetpack will therefore be your best ally on land!

Speaking of which, not all planets will welcome you with open arms. Each will have their own attributes. This means you have to be careful when approaching them and stepping onto their soil as their characteristics are specific. Some of these can even be dangerous if your character doesn’t have the right equipment. In short, Todd Howard insists on this point: there will always be something to do (resources and info to gather, explore and discover, etc.) but don’t expect to settle in a corner to fish. Todd Howard stated that this would not be part of the side activities available starfield ! The management of its crew – including Relationships with members vary based on our choices and can even lead to romance —, the ships (bought or salvaged in battle) for upgrading and customization or even the basic construction (a system described as “deep”, almost an experience in itself) should make you forget this little disappointment. Finally and as mentioned above: Modding will also be a great way to keep players engaged in Starfield because the teams really wanted to elevate that part of the community by giving it exclusivity a paradise “.

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