The number of mysteries and secrets that the open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 harbors can be immeasurable. It is possible to have played for dozens of hours and be surprised by new discoveries that leave us speechless, but they are also capable of make our skin crawl with a single look.
If by chance you have walked around Tall Trees, you may have discovered a huge mass grave where 10 corpses stacked. An unusual picture, accompanied by uniforms shared by all the bodies and even some of the faces covered with bags painted to resemble the face of a clown. To round off the play, it is possible to find the letter B formed by a person's limbs, although with a peculiarity.
None of the bodies we found have visible marks or wounds that offer clues about the reason for their death, but they all still have their limbs. Therefore, possibly an eleventh body has been shamelessly destroyed in order to form an image that seems to have no connection to anything at all. However, to understand what happened a little better, it is best to inform yourself.
Although it may seem like a waste of money and time, consulting the newspaper in Red Dead Redemption 2 is tremendously beneficial. Especially to see how the progress of the plot affects the rest of society, but especially to know details about the secondary events. A newspaper article has an article that deals with the following:
Members of the Blackwater Athletics Club remain missing, and their friends and family are filled with the worst fears. They were last seen leaving the north end of the town for a group athletics race and, although an extensive search has been carried out, they have not been found. Certain events related to his disappearance have raised suspicions. The case has caused a stir in Blackwater and nearby communities. They had left for a race with the intention of returning that same afternoon.
His friends are conducting a diligent search and police in neighboring areas have been notified. At first, rumors circulated that they had been kidnapped by Indians, but this appears to be false, as no cattle thefts or kidnappings by tribes have been recorded for several years. Blackwater's track team was training for a competition next month and was expected to take top honors in fencing, wrestling and baseball.
Thanks to the newspaper, it is clear who those 10 unfortunate people are who suffered an enormous misfortune. A athletics team that was simply going to practice their sport to never return to their homes or see their families, and whoever stood in their way possesses extreme skill for murder. Killing a dozen people is not easy and in view of the crime scene, he has a predilection for the macabre.
While it is perfectly possible that some deranged mind at Rockstar Games has thought of such a scene, the truth is that the developer does not need to rack its brains to imagine terrible scenarios. The studio is famous for taking inspiration from real events, which are usually more disturbing than those drawn by any screenwriter, and tries to translate them into its video games with its own touch and context.
Therefore, its inspiration in this case comes from the tragic event experienced in 2009 between Venezuela and Colombia. The one known as massacre of the Chururú footballersalso called the Maniceros massacre or the Táchira massacre, was an event that occurred on October 11 of that year in Táchira, a Venezuelan town very close to the border with Colombia. The teams from El Salvador and Los Maniceros were playing a soccer match when, out of nowhere, 25 people armed to the teeth interrupted on the grass.
The match was stopped due to the obvious danger and the leader of the armed gang took the list of players who were on the field, specifically naming the members of Los Maniceros. The group kidnapped twelve of them, taking them by force and tied them up, while at the same time they did not give up their efforts to constantly ask them about the “paracos” (paramilitaries).
Although they were bewildered by what they were experiencing and could not offer any explanation, the criminals had no mercy and massacred them under a bridge. Just Manuel Júnior Cortés survived the barbarism with a gunshot wound to the neckwhile 10 died and the eleventh disappeared without a trace. Therefore, what led a team made up of street vendors to suffer such a fate?
The Venezuelan authorities explained at the time that everything seemed to be related to a movement by the Colombian National Liberation Army. Everything indicated that there was some previous quarrel between maniseros and a guerrilla member of the terrorist group and they were subjected to “a kind of ritual to mark territory,” Leomagno Flores, secretary general of the Táchira Government, told Public. Finally, on October 28, the body of the missing man was found in the same circumstances as the rest of his companions.
The facts never seemed to be completely clarified, as the governments of Venezuela and Colombia began to create their own incriminating hypotheses, even arguing that they were really infiltrated Colombian paramilitaries. In any case, and returning to Red Dead Redemption 2who was the author of such a massacre in Tall Trees? Although there is no conclusive evidence that incriminates him, everything points to Edmund Lowry Jr.
We are talking about a true madman who leaves his mark throughout the Rockstar Games title and does so during the secondary mission American Dreams. We will encounter scenes from a horror moviealthough always with the particularity that the limbs of the corpses have been sectioned. Finally, everything will end with a face-to-face meeting with Edmund near Valentine with which we can give him what he deserves or bring him to justice.
What leads us to think that Edmund is responsible for the murder of the 11 members of the Blackwater Athletics Club is that the B formed with arms and legs resembles the one that can be seen in his lair. Edmund is a character absolutely sick and derangedwith an inexhaustible thirst for fame that drives him to become a recognized serial killer. Despite the evil he caused, his final destiny is to recognize the bars of his cell every time he wakes up in the morning.
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