One of the best-known anime and manga series around the world is Captain Tsubasa, known here as Oliver y Benji. For more than 40 years he has been accompanying us and it seems that the time has come to put an end to an era, because its creator, Yoichi Takahashi, has officially announced that he has He will not continue drawing more chapters of his manga.
A situation that can be quite shocking, although the truth is that this situation was already hinted at in January. Thus, after several decades in which we have been enjoying these exciting soccer matches, the publication of the latest issue has occurred in Captain Tsubasa Magazine #20. However, that It doesn’t mean that it will be the definitive end.
More than anything because Takahashi doesn’t want to close the soccer fields yet. He simply will not continue drawing the series, but he does plan to continue with it with a new format in which chapters will be published as drafts. All of them can be read on a website that will open on April 4 called Captain Tsubasa World, where starting tomorrow you can see all the news in the saga.
Para el propio Yoichi Takahashi This is a very hard decisionalthough in part he feels very satisfied and happy to be able to continue with the story of Captain Tsubasa without pressure and without putting your delicate health at risk. Above all because will not have deadlines or a fixed number of pages
As a result of all this, the series will continue tomorrow with this new format with the new chapters of Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun Finalscomposed of a total of 27 pages, while on June 4 the latest volumes of Captain Tsubasa: Rising Sun y Captain Tsubasa: Memoriesso there is still a long journey ahead until we have to say goodbye to the magicians of the ball.
In iGamesNews | Tecmo Cup Soccer and the year we played Óliver and Benji on our NES (despite the fact that the license stayed in Japan)