The director of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is very surprised and does not understand the reaction of players to certain directional decisions, no matter how harmless they may be.
Over the past few weeks, you may have been one of the many players testing and enjoying FF7 Rebirth. Just like Remake, this new episode of Cloud’s adventures has made bold decisions not to settle for being a copy of the 1997 title. In case the scenario is mishandled, the environments have also been extensively reworked. The open world exploration is much more in-depth than back then and the game is much more open than FF7 Remake. As a result, the gameplay was also reworked to expand the field of possibilities, and certain decisions were criticized by players.
This choice of FF7 Rebirth is not unanimous
Remember! When the FF7 Rebirth demo was released, players quickly noticed that yellow paint was everywhere, not to mention that most of the ledges we can climb are unnaturally placed here and there. A very outdated parkour, as we discovered in our test. These markers are present in several areas of the game and act as a guide for Cloud when he needs to climb or navigate.
The idea is not new; This method was made very popular by Uncharted on the PS3, and was later adopted in many other games and even became standard. The problem is that, according to players, the color affects immersion, and some believe studios think people won’t be able to notice points of interest. A criticism that we hear very often and now it is Rebirth’s turn to take it seriously, to the surprise of its director.
“I didn’t think the yellow color debate would be discussed on social media”explained Naoki Hamaguchi during an interview with Red Bull. Except that despite everything, this debate caused quite a stir, even though it was simply intended to provide a bit more accessibility.
Are changes to be expected?
During the exchange, he also reiterated that he was open and wanted to take into account all feedback from the community, even if it was difficult to please everyone. It might be too late for FF7 Rebirth, although an accessibility fine-tuning update is still possible, but FF7 Remake 3 could well change the situation. We will see that the parameters with which you can personalize the experience are definitely not too many.
As a reminder, FF7 Rebirth is currently exclusive to PS5. The game has received extremely positive feedback from the press and seems to be enjoyed by the vast majority of players as well. The game recently received an update aimed at improving the graphics in all modes and the result is quite satisfactory. Now we wait for a further refinement and why not a patch that adds the famous accessibility options.