Quantum computers are something like the holy grail of computer science. Their computing power far exceeds that of conventional processors. At least when it comes to certain arithmetic operations. For example, decrypting messages or trawling through huge databases.
Quantum computers usually require highly complex technology and information technology. The emphasis is on usually
. Because the Chinese company SpinQ has actually brought the first portable quantum computer onto the market – you can buy the Gemini Mini for the equivalent of around 8,000 dollars (via PC Watch). What’s behind it?
1 second instead of 9,000 years
Quantum computers beat every supercomputer
What do quantum computers actually do?
Quantum computers or qubits (quantum bits) use properties from quantum mechanics. While conventional bits only know either the states 0 and 1, qubits can – put simply – assume both 0 and 1 at the same time and everything in between – and that is an infinite number of states. However, we have not yet been able to use the full potential of qubits.
The real advantage at the moment is that each new qubit added to a quantum processor doubles the number of states that can be represented. With two qubits, that’s four, with three, that’s eight. Key word: exponential growth.
Is the Gemini Mini a real quantum computer?
The good news first: The Gemini Mini really is a quantum computer. Not quite like IBM’s Osprey, for example, which set a new record in November 2022 with 433 qubits.
The Gemini Mini is coming only
with 2 qubits and it only uses rudimentary functions based on nuclear magnetic resonance. This is the technically simplest method to realize qubits and also the reason why so few of them are used here. The advantage of the technology is that it also works at room temperature.
The large quantum computers such as Osprey, on the other hand, have to be cooled at great expense in order to extract as much energy as possible from the qubits. We’re talking about temperatures close to absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius or 0 Kelvin).
What can the Gemini Mini do?
The Gemini Mini is probably no faster or even slower than a normal computer. But that’s apparently not what SpinQ is all about. Rather, Gemini Mini and its big brothers Gemini (2 qubits) and Triangulum (3 qubits) are intended to make quantum computing accessible to more people or to enable learning to program quantum circuits (quantum informatics). The mini quantum PCs are therefore primarily aimed at educational institutions.
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Are quantum computers conceivable for private use?
In principle, this is perhaps conceivable, but the question of its usefulness arises. Quantum computers are far superior to normal computers in some areas, such as the encryption and decryption of data. But there are just as many application areas where traditional processors are much better suited.
Systems that combine the best of both worlds are therefore much more likely. We have more exciting things from the world of technology and science for you here:
What do you think of the Gemini Mini? Do you think this can advance quantum computing? Write it to us in the comments!
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