The director watched behind the scenes
The director of The Lord of the Rings, Juan Antonio Bayona, exclusively filmed the behind-the-scenes footage of the film. The first photo gives an idea about the appearance of Amazon products. But see for yourself!
Amazon keeps a low profile in the large-scale production of The Lord of the Rings. But now, the director and executive producer of LOTR, Juan Antonio Bayona, has spoken on Instagram and posted the first photo taken.
Currently, night scene shots may be being taken because Bayona wrote: "The light in our scene accidentally hit the canopy, making it look like a strange cloud in Hayao Miyazaki's movie."
Númenor may be waiting for the wonderful forest background, and the new LOTR series should be played there. Since Bayona will only direct the first two episodes, night shots are likely to show in those episodes.
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