Sharif Said
July 1, 2021 10:30 GMT
Part of the engine of Microsoft Flight Simulator has been rewritten, which greatly improves performance.
Before release Microsoft Flight Simulator On the Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft and the developer Asobo hosted a live broadcast to showcase some of the work the team has done in preparation for Update 5.
Update 5 is the version of Microsoft Flight Simulator that will be launched on Xbox, and it will also land on PC on the same day. The main advantage of the game engine rewrite is that it significantly improves CPU performance. To demonstrate, Asobo CEO Sebastian Wloch showed the current version of the flight over Manhattan at an average of about 40fps. After Update 5, the same flight using the same settings and the same PC averaged 60fps.
None of this is DirectX 12 optimization, which should further improve the performance of the game. Even without DX12, you can clearly see the CPU limitation of the game after Update 5 on the chart, thus making better use of GPU resources. Asobo also pointed out that due to this update, VR performance will be improved, but did not elaborate.
On July 27th, Update 5 was released with the Xbox Series X/S version of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
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