Animated productions are gaining more and more relevance among the major film producers. With the growing popularity of anime and the success of films such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse y Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Caos Mutantemore and more franchises are exploring this format.
One of the most recent to venture into animation has been Transformers. After several years of absence in this field, the saga has returned with force with an animated film that has been well received by critics and has high expectations at the box office. In addition, the future of the franchise seems promising. As revealed by Lorenzo Bonaventura
“The truth is, you never get to the second movie unless everybody shows up at the box office. We both said to each other, ‘It’s too hard to make a good movie to start thinking too much about the second one. ‘ But I can’t help but think… Yeah, we were thinking about this story for this moment, for this movie, but it’s towards the last year of a movie where I can’t help but think, ‘Well, how would this naturally progress? ‘ So we have some ideas, we talked about some things, and we’ll see what happens.”
Although the producer made it clear that possible sequels depend on the success of this first film, everything indicates that the franchise will combine its big live-action productions with animated films, following a strategy similar to that of Spider-Man in recent years.
We still don’t know for sure what the future holds for the saga. Transformersbut with rumors of a crossover with GI Joe, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a shared cinematic universe between different Hasbro brands in the near future.
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