The DC Cinematic Universe, driven by James Gunn, is not the only one that has big plans for Superman. The animated series My Adventures with Superman, available on HBO Max, has had a good reception during its Season 1 and now fans are waiting for the arrival of Season 2.
We have good news for the most impatient fans: the series will give the jump to comic format this summer. This is a comic miniseries written by Josie Campbell and featuring artist Pablo M. Collar. His story will serve to fill the gap between both seasons.
“Clark Kent is a little depressed and is spending Christmas alone in Metropolis,” says the DC statement. Things get interesting when the Kryptonian investigates the presence of a monster in the sewers of Metropolis, something that leads him to be in the company of Lois and Jimmy. As Campbell revealed, it is a short story that was discarded in Season 1.
And to finish off the news, DC allows us to see two of the covers of the issue My Adventures with Superman #1, which is scheduled to premiere on June 4, 2024. Reservations will open on March 15. The statement recommends contacting local stores for more information on pre-ordering and purchasing the first issue.
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