Damn it. Sleeping Dogs, a fantastic game about an undercover cop who infiltrates the Hong Kong underworld by lying and supporting lies and kicking half the population of Hong Kong SAR in the face, is no longer being adapted to star Donnie Yen movie.
I know, fellow sleeping canine enjoyers, I'm sad too. We'll get over this, though, and probably reinstall Definitive Edition and beat up some gangsters hiding in an alley in Central – most likely right next to those nice blue lockboxes.
The now-backwater live-action film was first announced in 2017, with Donnie Yen, known for his roles in “Rogue One,” “John Wick 4” and the “Ip Man” franchise, playing the title character Wei. Shen. The actor has now confirmed to Polygon that that no longer seems to be possible.
“I spent a lot of time, a lot of work with these producers, and I even invested some of my own money to get a draft and some of the rights,” he said. “I've been waiting for years. Years. I really wanted to do it. I had all these visions in my head and unfortunately… I don't know, you know how Hollywood goes, right? It took me a lot, a lot year. It’s an unfortunate thing.”
Yen concluded by adding: “Well, on to better things.”
Damn it. Think of how good it could have been. Especially if Donnie Yen can strut his stuff like Kane in the John Wick movies – a character that's already getting his own spin-off movie.
It seems this is the fate of us sleepy dog lovers. No sequels, no movies, just the endless kung fu journey of a crime boss known for his laughs.