While the health crisis is causing the suspension of many anime series, the video game sector is also noticing the consequences of the coronavirus. But in times of crisis is when people's creativity works best. One of the measures taken by many countries is the absolute confinement of the population, but also the social distancing when necessary as in the market. A video game developer has turned that mandatory 2-meter distance into a addictive game with many winks to the management of some countries of the pandemic.
The game is called Social Distance: The Game in its English version. The Twitter user Miseromisero has created this application that can be played from the browser and the goal is precisely to distance yourself from other people. It has two levels of difficulty and the player becomes Donald Trump or the President of Japan, depending on the version, to push the other characters aside before they enter a circle-marked radius. That is, withdraw people to the scream of Social Distance or Mitsu Desu in Japanese. The lives of the game are represented with masks, hinting at the distribution of this coveted product. So when that safety distance is not met, the player loses a mask. The further you go, the more numerous groups of people appear. It has also included curious cameos such as that of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which provides an extra mask if you've lost any.
百合 子 ち ゃ ん で 無双 し て い た の に 突然 ブ ラ ウ ザ が 飛 ん で 、 プ イ イ ア ラ ラ ク タ が ト 統領 統領 し。 ま ま ま ま ま ま ま ま
安 倍 総 理 が 束 に な っ て 襲 い か か っ て く る。# 密 で す ゲ ー ム pic.twitter.com/GKAn8gfp51– マ ダ ナ イ (@ sugoi831) April 17, 2020
It's a game simple but addictive. At the end, a valuation is achieved based on the levels completed and a bonus for the meat and fish collected. If you finish the game, the Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike appears with the phrase Ouchi ni ite kudasai What does it mean Please stay home.