In November 2019, the premiere of Frozen II, a highly anticipated Disney movie, took place. On this occasion the protagonist, Elsa, travels to an old forest that is in an enchanted land. The reason for your trip is none other than know why he was born with powers. Elsa has the help of Olaf, Kristoff, Ann a and Sven.
Among the many heroines of Disney we could say that Elsa is one of the most popular. It is also true that he is a fairly current character. The first installment of Frozen arrived in 2013 and since then there are many fans waiting for the sequel. Once saw the light he did it under very positive reviews
Recently one of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s animators shared a drawing of Elsa on Twitter. Of course, it has given his personal touch. The protagonist of Frozen it seems he is a few years older, especially if you look at the face. What do you think of Kohei Ashiya's drawing?
ア ナ 雪 2 や っ と 観 ら れ ま し た ッ‼ ️
エ ル サ 最高 だ っ た‼ ️
エ ル サ ❄️ ジ ェ ン ト リ ー ・ ウ ィ ー プ 立 で 鳥 肌 立 っ た…# Frozen2 # ア ナ と 雪 の 女王 2# ア ナ 雪 # エ ル サ #Elsa # Frozen2 # ア ナ # オ ラ フ– ア し や (芦 谷) 耕 平 (@ asikoh009) January 6, 2020
In case you did not know, Elsa is present in Kingdom Hearts III. That's right, in the third installment of the Square Enix action RPG is Disney's heroine. If you like games of that genre we can only say that it is a highly recommended title. If you want to know more, we recommend you take a look at the analysis we publish.