The Legend of Zelda saga has achieved have thousands of fans on edge with their adventures and they are already wanted to know how the world of Breath of the Wild 2 will be and, also, some devise a game in the style of Paper Mario that we would all love to play. But in these times of coronavirus, a very sad scene
In which it could be considered the saddest scene in Majora’s Mask remember, thanks to @dr_vegepamyu on Twitter, that the postman was debating march away in the face of the deadly moon disaster. This scene, which many considered funny due to its text ("Ohhhh … I want to escape! But it is not written in the schedule"), is not so much if we put in perspective what is happening during this quarantine of the coronavirus
ガ キ の 頃 当時 ハ マ っ た ゼ ル ダ の 伝 説 · ム ジ ュ ラ の 仮 面 に 「月 が 落 ち て く る の に 会 社 か ら 命令 が な い か ら 逃 げ ら れ な い 郵 便 局 員」 が 出 て き て, 当時 は 面 白 お か し く 見 て い た の だ が 大人 にな っ て 自 分 も そ う な っ て し ま っ た。
– ド ク タ ー ・ べ じ ぱ み ゅ (@dr_vegepamyu) March 31, 2020
This scene makes us re-evaluate our ideas about the Majora’s Mask postmanHe is, in reality, a brave being who faces his own fears and an external threat when deciding to stay in Termina and do not leave your job.
Cover image Wallup