The Team Rocket of the Pokémon anime composed of Jessie, James and Meowth has an introductory slogan as iconic as it is known, although their tricks rarely end in a positive way for the group. Maybe this is why your Leader, Giovanni, has decided send them a new machine with powerful Pokémon so they can face their rivals.
Below you can see how is this machine in the Pokémon anime thanks to @rohanarts on Twitter and that, surely, would be a great acquisition for the franchise games. If you think about it, this machine makes perfect sense, because it allows Team Rocket members be more powerful rivals that we don't take it so lightly, while laughter comes over your mistakes than from anywhere else.
Team Rocket getting powerful loan Pokemon from Sakaki makes a lot more sense than him somehow just being okay with them catching like two Pokemon per region, and makes the fights against them more interesting. It being a gacha that they have to unlock with Meowth's coin is genius
– Rohanite (@rohanarts) December 1, 2019
In addition, a great detail of this new machine is that only unlock using Meowth's coin, yes that one that takes in the head, doing that this contraption is of exclusive use for the uncle of villains more fun of the small screen.
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