Trials of Mana: Five reasons why the remake is worthwhile

Geralt of Sanctuary

Trials of Mana: Five reasons why the remake is worthwhile

Mana, reasons, Remake, Trials, worthwhile

Trials of Mana was released around 25 years ago for the 16-bit Super Famicom console. However, that was only true for Japan, because Square unfortunately did not publish in the west. Now this is being made up for, in the form of a comprehensive remake. We'll give you five reasons why you shouldn't miss the action role-playing game.

Trials of Mana has been completely redesigned

Square Enix did not just play the game with 3D graphics and new sound, but made a comprehensive overhaul. The adjustments to the zeitgeist include, among other things, automatic save points and the ability to target opponents in combat. Many passages have also been expanded or designed differently, including, of course, the completely new cutscenes and a voice output.

Connoisseurs of the original still feel at home immediately, because the presentation of the areas, the design of the opponents, the combat system and various game elements are very closely based on the classic. Again you choose the three characters from six characters with whom you want to go on the adventure. Depending on this compilation, the course of the story changes.

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