Deadly Premonition 2 is the sequel to the strange game that was released in 2010, created by Hidetaka Suehiro's peculiar mind, known as Swery65. This game was the subject of a curious debate, since it did not manage to leave anyone indifferent, counting on the most disparate opinions, whether they are fans who consider it as a cult game or others who classify it as a playable and narrative disaster.
After giving up IP for dead and focusing on other projects, Swery65 has resumed development thanks to the help of Nintendo, which will publish Deadly Premonition 2 exclusively on Nintendo Switch, supposedly this year. In its announcement, Deadly Premonition 2 set its release this 2020, but current conditions around the world may cause this release to be delayed.
1. Health:
I am fine. Also my team, White Owls are all good.– Hidetaka SWERY Skywalker (@ Swery65) April 26, 2020
In any case, it seems that we will soon leave doubts, since it has been the director of Deadly Premonition 2 himself, Hidetaka Suehiro, aka Swery65, who has confirmed that this week we will have news. Swery has reviewed these quarantine days and confirmed that he and the members of his study are in good health. About The Good Life, he has confirmed that everything is going well, at Hotel Barcelona he continues working with Suda 51, he also has a project to announce for mobile and, finally, from Deadly Premonition 2 there will be news next week.