What does "buckling" mean? Definition and interpretation

The Boss

What does "buckling" mean? Definition and interpretation

definition, Interpretation, quotbucklingquot

You must know the noun

Enya Assmann-Profile Image
Reading time: Two minutes

You don't know what "buckling" means, and how many times have you heard it from young people on the street? We tell you what the expression means and how to use it.

Netzwelt tells you what

Netzwelt reveals the meaning of "buckling" or "buckling only" [Source: billiondigital / depositphotos.com]

That means bending: tightening muscles, showing off, showing off

The term "flex" comes from the English verb "to flex," meaning "flex." However, in the context of youth language, "buckling" can be translated as "stress." This verb is usually used to refer to men who flex their muscles and present them in front of a mirror.

However, the importance of pure muscle tone has become more and more significant at the same time. Now, "flexion" means showing off or bragging. For example, you can “succumb” by constantly talking about your income or wearing expensive clothes, and then let everyone know which brand you are from.

If someone is just trying to impress others, then the phrase "only for resilience" is well established. But "Flex" also has other meanings. In rap songs, "buckling" mainly refers to different types of drugs. If you "buck" or "buck" someone, it means you have sex with that person.

So you use flexen

The term "buckling" is relatively easy to integrate into everyday life, as it can be used both in youth spoken language and on the Internet. So you can use "flex" whenever you find that you think someone is doing something just to attract attention.

You can use "flex" for others as well as your brothers or bratinas. The only requirement is that one person doing one thing will only make an impression.

Bending example

  • Person A: "Yesterday, my Tinder-Date drove a Porsche … what abominable."
  • Person B: "Lol, just for the buckler's safety."
  • Figure A: "How do you find someone new?"
  • Person B: "Engle, they have been trying to bend. It's really stressful."

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