What does “Buddy Movie” mean?  Meaning and use

The Boss

What does “Buddy Movie” mean? Meaning and use

Buddy, meaning, movie


Someone is talking about the genre “buddy movie” and you don’t know what that is? We’ll tell you what’s behind the term and how to use it correctly.

We'll tell you what a

We’ll tell you what a “buddy movie” is. (Source: VitalikRadko /depositphotos.com)

That means buddy movie

The term “buddy movie” is made up of the English terms “buddy” and “movie”. The German pedant to the buddy is the buddy and that would be the direct translation “Kumpel-Film”.

Buddy-Movies als Genre

Buddy movies, however, are not films that you only watch with your buddies indulges. because you can watch such films with yourself Colleagues or see other people. It is a genre that includes films that feature two same-sex characters as the main characters.


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The “buddy movie” genre is often more of a sub-genre. Accordingly, movies can be both a buddy movie and an action movie.

This is how buddy movies work

Well-known buddy movies include the films with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, and these “hit it off” films are wonderful examples of the characteristic structure of films in this genre.

At the beginning of such a film, two often rather dissimilar characters are forced to act together in order to be able to solve a common problem Bromance developed. The acting duo often differ in terms of phenotype, looks, skills, and worldview.

Examples of buddy movies

Here are a few examples of popular “buddy movies”:

  • Lethal Weapon
  • Rush Hour
  • Tough girls
  • Four fists against Rio

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