What does "fwow" mean? Explain and use

The Boss

What does "fwow" mean? Explain and use

explain, quotfwowquot


Enya Assmann-Profile Image
Reading time: Two minutes

A common abbreviation in the forum is "fwiw". Here, you will know exactly what this abbreviation means, where it came from, and how to use it online.

Netzwelt reveals what fwiw means

Netzwelt reveals the meaning of fwiw [Source: feedough / depositphotos.com]

This means ex-husband: For anyone who wants to know

The abbreviation "fwiw" comes from English and is an acronym. This means that each letter of the abbreviation represents its own word. Spelling "fwow" means "for anyone who wants to know." In German translation, it means: "If someone asks me …" or "If someone is interested …"

You use abbreviations to indicate that you want to share information, but you are not sure if you need this information. By contributing "fwow", you would say, "I don't know if this matters now, but if you are interested, you know now."

Another abbreviation with similar meaning is IMHO. By doing this, you can distinguish the relevance and meaning of information by making it clear that it is your own opinion and not information that is actually verifiable.

So you use fwiw

The abbreviation "fwiw" mainly appears on Twitter and in humorous forums like Reddit or 9gag. In these forums, there is always a big discussion, and these discussions lose focus. Therefore, "Fwiw" can distinguish truly relevant information from unimportant information.

Example using fwiw

  • Person A: "Did you all write the things for the barbecue now?"
  • B: "I'm making a mixture of tomato and mozzarella."
  • Man A: "Blatans, do you happen to know if Thomas will be there?"
  • Person B: "So I'm there"

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