Network term explanation
You read the abbreviation "fyi" on Intstagram or YouTube. Want to know what this means? We will tell you what the abbreviation is and how to use it.
Means: For your reference / interest
The abbreviation "fyi" is an abbreviation for English. This means that all letters of the abbreviation represent their own words. "Fyi" means "for your reference / interest". In German translation, the meaning is similar to: "for your reference". It can also be translated as "by way" or "by way".
So you use fyi
This abbreviation was originally used in various social media, but as more and more English terms were established in the German working environment, it soon entered the spoken working language. Abbreviations such as pls or gz are increasingly used in the everyday language of the office.
Such abbreviations are particularly useful when using programs such as Slack in everyday office life. Therefore, you can use "fyi" to quickly tell you that you are going to have lunch. There is an important call or another reason why you are not present.
Generally, this abbreviation is used whenever you want to tell others what you think will also affect or be interested. From your absence from the office to your current life development, this may be countless.
Example using fyi
- Person B: "She no longer needs to contact me, a real honorary woman."
- Person B: "Well, honorary women are a positive thing … baby boomers."
Do you want to learn more abbreviations? In our abbreviated overview, you can learn whether you are Alman, whether you have Bromance in the beginning or whether the game is usually strong. In our Smilies series, we tell you how to add a suitable emoji to the abbreviation.
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