Network term explanation
Did you read the abbreviation "inb4" on Facebook or YouTube and want to know what it means? We will tell you what the abbreviation is and how to use it.
This means "inb4": before this …
The abbreviation "inb4" is an abbreviation for English. This means that each individual letter or number represents its own word. The spelling "inb4" means"in-be-four = in before ".
In English, numbers are often used as an expression of network terms. English 2 is "to" or English 4 is "for" because the pronunciation of the number is similar to the expression in English.
In German translation, this means "Before … Before". This abbreviation is used to indicate that you have participated in a discussion or post when something has not happened. There are countless debates on the Internet every day, but some debates are based on similar arguments, which are stacked on posts on the same topic.
For example, if someone writes "Hey, this is a great recipe for meatballs", then someone on the Internet has a general problem with eating meat and is very likely to criticize it. As a result, recipe reviews such as "meat eating is unethical" are often found on Facebook. If you are reading a post that wishes to receive such comments, you can write an "inb4 vegetarian review".
So you use inb4
If you want to use the abbreviation yourself, you should first make sure that the platform you are using is familiar with the abbreviation. When chatting on WhatsApp, most English abbreviations are more likely to be found on platforms such as Instagram or Reddit or 9gag, and less in daily life. Generally, if you want to make it clear that you have participated in the discussion before commenting, you can always use abbreviations.
Example using inb4
- Human A: Lol, the president just ignored #flattenthecurve … "
- Person B: "Zombie Revelation Inb4".
Do you want to learn more abbreviations? In our overview of abbreviations, you can learn whether you are currently doing something, whether you are acting like a jerk, or whether your game is really smooth. In our Smilies series, we tell you how to add a suitable emoji to the abbreviation.
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