What does “WSGI” mean?  |  NETWORK

The Boss

What does “WSGI” mean? | NETWORK

Network, WSGI


Someone writes the abbreviation “WSGI” in their dating profile and you have no idea what that means? The meaning and use is explained here.

Which does ______________ mean

What does “WSGI” mean? (Source: Melpomene / depositphotos.com)

That means “WSGI”: White shoes always work

The abbreviation “WSGI” indicates a fashion preference of some people, namely it stands for the statement “white shoes always work”. White sneakers have been a trend shoe for several years. They are the GOAT among sneakers, so to speak, because almost every young person owns a pair of them.

This is how “WSGI” is used

If you also prefer to wear white sneakers, you can add the statement with the abbreviation “WSGI” to your social media or Tinder profile. Other users will then know that you like to dress in a sporty way and can assess your clothing style.


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Also, the shortcut allows for an initial topic of conversation after a match and can help you slide into the DMs of someone you find attractive. Maybe you have something in common because of your shoe preference.

Here are a few examples of using WSGI:

  • In the profile description: “Fabian, 20 years young, I stan Hip-Hop, WSGI”
  • “Hey, are those the latest Air Max in your photo?”
  • “Hi, yes! WSGI, my motto, haha.”

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