Solving Internet Problems
Although WiFi is functioning properly, there are still many possible reasons for an Internet connection under Windows 10. Netzwelt reveals how to solve the problem in depth.
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Step 1: Test your internet connection with other devices
Step 2: Restart the computer
- Step 3: Perform network troubleshooting
- Step 4: Remove WiFi connection and add new
- Step 5: Establish a ping connection with a standard gateway [router]
- Step 6: Disable virus protection and firewall temporarily
Step 7: Reset the network completely
If Windows 10 has no internet connection despite having WiFi, many users won't know what to do. This problem is usually relatively easy to isolate and then resolve. It is important to check the possible causes according to the exclusion principle and maintain a logical order.
Therefore, if you don't know at all whether your router is connected to the Internet, you should not immediately try to use your computer's network settings. Because an existing WiFi connection between a router or hotspot using Windows 10 only shows that there is a network connection between the two devices. A functioning wifi does not indicate your internet connection. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the order below to troubleshoot your Internet connection that is not working properly.
If the problem occurs after a newly installed Windows update, you should first rule out possible issues with the driver or VPN software as described here. You can also undo Windows 10 updates if necessary.
Step 1: Test your internet connection with other devices
To troubleshoot your router, you can use your smartphone or another computer to log in to the same WiFi network. If the internet connection there is not working, you should check the cable connection to the router. If this is the command, you can restart the router by turning it back on, or use our "Vodafone Easybox" as an example to reset it according to our instructions. If the problem persists, you should contact your network provider's technical support.
Step 2: Restart the computer
If your Windows 10 computer does have a problem, you should first restart it completely. For many sudden software problems, this is usually sufficient to solve the problem.
Step 4: Remove WiFi connection and add new
the first
On Windows 10, adding a saved WiFi connection can sometimes work wonders. To do this, open the list of available WiFi networks by clicking the WiFi icon, click the appropriate network name on the right, and select "Do Not Save". Then, add WiFi as usual by entering your password.
Step 7: Reset the network completely
By completely resetting the network, issues such as settings, drivers, etc. can often be easily resolved. We will show you how to do this in this separate guide. However, all saved WLAN passwords will be lost. If the internal connection still doesn't work after this, it may be a problem with the driver and / or a problem with the Windows 10 update. You can then try to reset Windows 10. If still unsuccessful, you should seek help from a technician.
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