A new WoW expansion is coming soon. In less than 24 hours, tens of thousands of players will flock to World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion for an all-night and game-athon. For this kind of enterprise, you need enthusiasm, will, and a lot of snacks.
As a result, the internet is flooded with the food and drink every true hero needs to start a new expansion from day one. We’re talking a ton of different options, from respectable healthy spreads to classic sodas and chips. Some are even wasted.
“Snacks for my ~24 hour Dragonflight launch meeting tonight. Enough? wrote Twitter user Mareyasei, they posted online their concoction of candy, fruit and a tr usty energy drink.Others go all the way to the green and sensible side while they balance out their snack choices, like Esumonk
However, some remain true to the old ways. Doritoes x Monster combo, come out ready to order, and I dare not report that’s how the author will handle things as well. With an axed sleep schedule and some cash set aside, I’m trudging through the store for some ginger beer, but I’ll also keep it classy with Camembert and fancy bread.
However, there are some who really understand the virtues of MMOs, such as World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion, Host parties where friends can join and explore together. Whether in person or via Discord, there’s no better way to experience new content drops than chatting with your friends.
Let us know if you plan to be on the live broadcast tonight! If so, what snacks do you have prepared?