Forget 0-60-If you want to change from sitting idle on the sofa to becoming a turbocharged Toyota Yaris WRC, from the standstill to breaking the national speed limit, then there is really no better solution than this Your usual garden rally. There aren't many other players who demand it, they are busy making endless turns and changing terrain. It's an impossible sport-I still can't believe that people will be allowed to put on weapons and hatchbacks on narrow country roads at such fast speeds-it almost makes challenging games indispensable , I deeply love this.
Codemasters hit the purple zone with Dirt Rally and its sequel-for my money I'm honored to play some of the best games in the sport-now it's time to hit some poorly maintained roads and Kylotonn joins A party with the WRC. This is an important year for the series, a year has passed since the series, and it has rejuvenated from the rest. In fact, since Kylotonn signed with WRC 5, he personally just watched Kylotonn's role in the series, which feels like a completely different series.
Well, this is not true, as the new direction WRC 8 pursues can't help but think of Codemasters' recent success. Just like the "dirty rally", this is a more serious matter, and it tends to be more authentic than accessible. And, like Dirt Rally, the method is better.
Even though Hard Edge ensures that it is not a quest for timid people, there is still a lot of love for the WRC 8's processing model. First of all, it can be converted into a gamepad very well, even if there is not enough fidelity to save you money in a real dangerous moment, it can convert all the important weight and grip to be neat enough. You need a suitable roller to fully unleash the potential of WRC 8-while also exercising your forearms decently-here you will discover the true strength Kylotonn has achieved.
Force feedback works well, whether it's a roll popping buzzing sound when shifting high gears, or how you feel the resistance of a given pavement accumulates in a unique way when you're skidding . It's a very communicative driving brand, and it's great because you've been talking to the processing model all the time-and when you're working on more than a ton of cliffs, you often try to get out of trouble.
In short, it feels great whether you are taming one of a limited number of older machines or letting the front end of the FWD R2 Fiesta dig a solid look. these things danceAnd it's nice to find this elegant balance through throttle steering, which keeps it balanced and keeps the rear wheels away from the abandoned edges by only a few inches.
Good processing models go through a number of stages and will not help. In this regard, WRC 8 can provide. Take inspiration from WRC's own calendar and combine ingenious craftsmanship and selection, with a wide variety, from classics such as Saul El Condor to temporary works by Harju meandering in the streets of Finnish towns, Everything is available. This time, they all became active due to the addition of dynamic weather. The sky was dark during one stage, and it may later become a post-storm.
There is also real beauty here, when you pinch the front wheel through a pile of heather or see the afternoon sun spread through the dense forest and then splash on the wet tarmac. Well, its aesthetic is not as good as other similar products, it can not reach 60fps as smoothly as "Dirt Rally 2.0". This means that there is a noticeable chain reaction to the feeling of things-although this does not seem to be sad.
If Dirt Rally tells a lot about what happened to the steering wheel, then Codemasters' F1 series elsewhere is a source of inspiration, and WRC 8's career has largely been borrowed from F1. Not without its own quirks, the garage is Sims-inspired, just like the employees you hired in the potter of the expanded empire. The historic race is unique-although it is important to keep in mind that the history here is quite limited, there are also a large number of officially licensed cars and drivers to balance.
It's also pleasingly brutal-or rather, if you're a bit talented on the steering wheel. In my first short season, I managed to disappoint my employee Ford, who gave me a stern warning and then sent me the packaging. I failed and had a great time.
Maybe that's because all the loving details make WRC 8 come to life. This is just a small matter-how to wipe the screen after it gets dirty, for example, a satisfactory application will clear the field of view. Or, how do you paint your future story on the tortured bodywork at a service station, and then take a closer look at how you can best use the 45 minutes allocated to you for repairs, and where it's best to use all the spacers.
There are many things worth mentioning for WRC 8, and after that, for those who take the pretense seriously, Killoton should be considered a real contender. There are, of course, disadvantages-the lack of presentations in some places and some inconsistencies in the various stages of production value, as well as the concern that WRC 8 violates Dirt Rally territory rather than acting its way. But this provides simulations with their own characteristics and sensitivity, do you know? Having two good rally in the market is really not a bad issue.