Yes, Dragon Age: Veiled Keeper mods are definitely cooking right now: They covered Thoras’ bald Bangs with a big wet kiss and clown makeup

The Boss

Yes, Dragon Age: Veiled Keeper mods are definitely cooking right now: They covered Thoras’ bald Bangs with a big wet kiss and clown makeup

Age, Bald, Bangs, Big, clown, Cooking, covered, Dragon, Keeper, kiss, makeup, Mods, Thoras, Veiled, Wet

Over the past few days, the modding dam for Dragon Age: Veiled Keeper has been completely breached, and people are finally starting to be able to do something more than just recolor or Rook presets. Regardless, we’ve now reached a lucky moment where some very interesting mods are starting to appear – like one that covers the dire wolf itself in lipstick.

As we reported yesterday, a new tool makes it easier for Veilguard modders to start doing things like adding their own custom textures, opening up the possibility for some slightly more advanced work, even though it’s still early days stage.

So, naturally, modder Pinacoladamatata woke up, looked in the mirror, and said something along the lines of: “Well, it’s time to cover the head of everyone’s favorite folate-challenged (spoiler alert) elf god, Kiss , like he just had to let his very over-enthusiastic grandma give him a goodbye head kiss before he left for the ceremony.

Enter “Kisses for Solas,” which does exactly what you’d expect, smearing kiss marks on the head of your best weirdo dream teammate that he doesn’t choose to wash off. Maybe he thought they made formidable war paint.

This isn’t the first mod to do this with Solas by any means, with Pinacoladamatata citing OfficiallyJewls’ “Kisses for the Dread Wolf (Solas)” for DA: Inquisition as a direct inspiration. The mod was again inspired by this fanart, because of course that’s what it is (we at iGamesNews won’t judge).

Regardless, this isn’t the only Veilguard mod that’s been released recently involving Solas Pinacoladamatata. They’ve also completed “Have You Seen This Man – Inquisitor Costume Recolor,” which features Solas’s kiss-covered face atop the Inquisitor’s strange pajama-like clothes, surrounded by a meme-like caption that asks Has anyone seen him. Fashion.

Thankfully, other Dragon Age modders have done things that aren’t so weird, like, uh, covering Solas’s face in clown makeup, like queenschadenfreude’s “Soras the Clown 2 Veilguard Boogaloo” ” did just that. They even got permission from the author of the classic Inquisition mod that has the same functionality.

So, all of this is one thing. If you’ve played Veiled Keeper and thought everyone in it was too nice, you should read this feature because you’ll probably agree with it.

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