You can add LEGO bricks to the list of items you can play Doom

The Boss

You can add LEGO bricks to the list of items you can play Doom

Add, bricks, DoOM, items, LEGO, list, Play

There are a million ways to play the original doomthere are now a million and one, because you can now play it on Lego bricks.

It’s not some kind of prank, prank, or bit, because Twitter user and thing maker James Brown (not that one) has taken a Lego block and turned it into a tiny little screen. Earlier this month, Brown decided to try a tiny blue Lego brick and turn it into a functioning display. Of course, if it’s some kind of computer, it can run Doom.

And running Doom it does, as Brown shared on Twitter with a very cute little video showing a Lego minifigure playing the game. Granted, that’s probably the worst way to play Doom considering the screen’s 72×40 resolution, but the point is always that it can run Doom, not that it can run Doom well.

Brown admitted in his reply that it’s not very playable either, but from where we’re at, it looks pretty playable.

This particular way you can play Doom joins the long list of all possible weird ways. While you can’t technically play it, a Twitter bot called Doomscroll has been posting frame-by-frame playback of the classic shooter.

And in 2020, someone made Doom playable in a pregnancy test, which could be as unplayable as Lego screens. It’s not exactly what you’re hoping for when you’re trying to conceive, but it can be a good way to kill time as the test will figure out what it is.

Brown’s original twitter thread It does explain how the Lego screen works, so if you’re bored enough, you can try it yourself.

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