You can make money by going out to buy bread (it’s real)


You can make money by going out to buy bread (it’s real)

Bread, buy, money, real

news hardware You can make money by going out to buy bread (it’s real)

At the moment there is talk of an application for IOS and Android. It’s called WeWard, and the principle is very simple: you make money, literally, just by walking. The information is unusual, interesting and related to the tech world, so let’s tell you about it!

WeWards: Yes, you can make money by walking the streets

First of all, we assure you that this news is in no way sponsored by anyone. That’s what they say.

Cocorico, WeWard is an application created by a French startup. Given the number of people the company is looking to hire (we found many job descriptions on the application page), WeWard seems to be the one and square tree.

While the app launched in 2019, press releases, including this one, have only picked up in the last few days. WeWard officially declares 7 million users but there is no doubt that the 10 million mark will be exceeded in a relatively short time.

As said in the introduction, WeWard is an application that allows you to make or save a little money: we call it earn apps. The most famous of these is probably Too Good To Go, where you can buy baskets of unsold groceries for a very low price.

With WeWard, you make money… by walking.

You can make money by going out to buy bread (it's real)

The app counts your steps across the pedometer from your smartphone. It’s impossible to cheat by shaking your phone in all directions since you’ll have to wait until you have an internet connection to validate the money collected throughout the day. In addition to the pedometer, the application checks if your steps have been taken thanks to the GPS.

According to the creators of WeWard, the philosophy behind creating the application was simply to encourage city dwellers to leave their homes and encourage them to get around on foot (for obvious health and environmental reasons). The bet appears to be successful as the application’s website boasts an average 24% increase in its users’ walk time.

Basically it’s a bit of a dream. All you have to do is walk, run to work, walk the dog, shop, etc. and whoops, you make money. Is it that simple? How does it actually work?

You can make money by going out to buy bread (it's real)

So the first question we asked ourselves is: how does WeWard make its money, How profitable is the business? If the principle amounts to transfers to people who walk a lot, it is difficult to understand how the salaries of WeWard employees are paid out at the end of the month.

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the principle of WeWard. When walking, you don’t earn dollars directly in a pot, but “wards”. You exchange these wards later for a transfer to your bank account (but these can also be vouchers, gifts or a donation to an association).

A ward isn’t even worth a cent (it’s worth $0.007) and you can only make a transfer once you’ve accumulated 3000 wards, which equals $20.

How fast is that possible? If you just go, it is At least 4 months. The number of daily wards depends on the number of steps you take, but is capped at 25 wards per day (for 20,000 steps, worthy of our best hours of summer 2016 on Pokémon GO).

You can make money by going out to buy bread (it's real)

While walking, Eyes are earned in tiers :

  • 1500 steps = 1 station
  • 3000 steps = 3 stations
  • 6500 steps = 6 stations
  • 10,0000 steps = 10 stations
  • 15,000 steps = 15 stations
  • 20,000 steps = 25 stations.

Although a few small daily challenges Tasks similar to free-to-play mobile game tasks (examples: visit a park, validate your steps at such a time, run a sponsorship code, etc.) allow you to increase the number of daily wards earned while walking can be accumulated, which is not how you will save a lot of money.

There is a twist here. In reality, walking is just one of the ways to create those famous eyes. It is the most original and best-selling, hence the most highlighted. But, you guessed it, WeWard doesn’t make its money from you eating up the miles.

You can make money by going out to buy bread (it's real)You can make money by going out to buy bread (it's real)

The company owns partnerships at many online retailers. By going through their affiliate links for your purchases, you put money into your checkout, and on their side, they earn a small percentage of what you paid in commission.

WeWard also has partnerships with very physical retailers who either pay WeWard in commission or directly “in flat”, we don’t know.

The application encourages people not only to walk, but also to consume in partner stores. For example, for $5 spent at such a dealer, you are entitled to 200 wards at a time, which is equivalent to what you can earn in ten days of intense walking. It’s tempting.

And that’s not all! You can also watch ad on applying to win 1 small church or answering polls to win a few dozen etc.

Since these alternative methods are particularly profitable for consumers, many people use them on a daily basis. This is how WeWard pays its employees.

So, good plan or scam? Now that you know everything, it’s up to you to make up your own mind.

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