NieR: Automata It was released on October 6, 2022 for Nintendo Switchalthough it already came out for PC, PlayStation 4 y Xbox One. It is then a well-worked port that works correctly. In this article we will detail some of the best curiosities of this game.
Why a girl with heels as the protagonist?
Yoko Taro, creative director of Nier: Automata he explains that he simply thought about what the world would be like 10,000 years from now and wanted to get away from what is typically done. He found it impossible to imagine what the outfit would be like, so he just let his ideas flow without further ado. And he added that “I just like girls”.
Why are androids blindfolded?
This curiosity is more or less explained in NieR: Automata. The truth is that they act as viewers where they can see information about the target. However, it is obvious that it also has a certain symbolism representing ignorance due to not seeing something. Blindfolds usually represent this type of issue in audiovisual works.
2B and 9S is a reference to William Shakespeare’s “to be, or not to be”
The name of 2B and 9B is a reference to the “to be, or not to be” of Hamlet, Shakespeare’s play. This reference is because the pronunciation is similar to “to be” and “not to be”. NieR Automata hides more details of this type, since the game deals with that existentialist philosophy about what it means to be a human. In fact, in general, there are quite a few references to prominent philosophers, such as Jean Paul Sartre, Blaise Pascal, Simone de Beauvoir, Karl Marx or Engels.
We can meet a robot that pays homage to Godzilla
Near the forest we can find a boss and it is nothing more and nothing less than Godzilla -or Mecha Godzilla-. Although its size is much smaller than the monster we know, it is still an easter egg.
The universe of NieR: Automata expands far beyond video games
The story is not only narrated through video games. Aside from the anime, there are also novels and plays in Japan that complement it.
In the NieR: Automata DLC we can face managers from Square Enix and PlatinumGames
Yosuke Matsuda and Kenichi Sato are as enemies that we can defeat in the DLC of NieR: Automata. And they are not easy at all. They have special attacks, one of them is to throw faces. Once you beat them, you will get two masks with their faces.
a traffic ticket
In the ruins of the city you can find yourself with a traffic ticket for exceeding the speed limits. In this, a police officer named Kenichi Sato is mentioned, while the fined man is Yosuke Saito. The first is the CEO of PlatinumGames
The Ex Machina sword from Final Fantasy XV is in NieR Automata
You can find her in the Abandoned Factory during the development of 2B’s story. Furthermore, her descriptions refer to the character of Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV.
Interesting details with the voices in the start menu
By raising or lowering the sound of the voices we will hear 9S speak. On the other hand, if we try to disable the “self-destruct” feature, 9S will try to convince the player to keep it on.
Can our operating system be uninstalled?
If we go to the skills menu, we have the possibility to edit equipped chips. Among them is OS Chip, the android operating system. When unequipping it, we will die and go directly to the credits screen, giving the “F error[T]al.”
What do you think of these curiosities and details of NieR: Automata? Do you know of any other interesting easter eggs?
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