Did you know that Echoes of Wisdom would be related to Link's Awakening at least in an initial idea


Did you know that Echoes of Wisdom would be related to Link's Awakening at least in an initial idea

Awakening, Echoes, Echoes of wisdom, Idea, initial, Link's Awakening, Link39s, related, The legend of Zelda, Wisdom, Zelda

If we love the Nintendo franchises, it is the ability to fall in love once after another. That is why we wanted to take a look at Echoes of Wisdomthe last game of The Legend of Zelda saga.

An interesting curiosity of lore of this game, is that its story was designed to congeniate with the worldanother of the most emblematic games of Zelda.

Only in Echoes of Wisdom We take control of Zelda (for the first time in the saga), providing an approach and a radically different essence to what we are used to. And we go one step further …

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All the details about Echoes of Wisdom that you have to know without fail and its possible relationship with Link's Awakening

In Echoes of Wisdom We have the so -called Tri scepter, the new main object of Zeldawhich could be linked to the trifuerza of wisdom, which would reinforce the idea that this game explores more thoroughly Zelda connection with this divine powerand therefore being a direct wink to Link's Awakening and the awakening of our hero.

In addition, the developers themselves took concepts of this game when develop Echoesduring the early stages of development of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdomdevelopers considered telling Link's story by returning to Hyrule After the events of Link's Awakening. Although giving prominence to the princess, they changed their “road map” in the development of the game.

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