Discover how to catch ants in Animal Crossing: New Horizons – iGamesNews


Discover how to catch ants in Animal Crossing: New Horizons – iGamesNews

Animal, ants, catch, Crossing, Discover, Horizons, igamesnews

Inside the collection of insects that we can catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the ants they are probably one of the least frequent, provided we have our community clean. But there are ways to catch them, like They wanted to detail from Nintendo Life.

These are the steps that we must follow if we want to get hold of this insect:

  • Just like when you catch a fly, you will need to attract these isnects with a little bait. In this case, the rotten turnips.
  • To catch an ant, you need at least one turnip, specifically a week-old turnip. To buy turnips, you'll need to speak to turnip vendor Daisy Mae on a Sunday morning. She can be found wandering around your island every Sunday between 5 a.m. and noon, so make sure you don't waste that window of time.
  • Turnips are sold in batches of 10 and that is the smallest number you can separate into an individual item (mark them in your inventory and select "Take 10"). Normally you would want to sell your turnips to Tendo and Nendo within 7 days before they go bad, but to catch ants you will need spoiled turnips, so you will have to wait 7 full days for them to go bad. We simply leave our turnips out of our house at all times.
  • After a week, once the turnip turns brown and thus stops, it will eventually attract the attention of ants that line up to devour the vegetable. Simply use your net to catch them as you would any other insect.

A very simple method to add this insect to our collection. Have you already caught an ant in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?


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