Nipon Ichi has confirmed that the next entry in the Disgaea franchise will be Switch bound and is due to be released in Japan on 26th January, 2023. Disgaea 7 will be directed by Shunsuke Minowa and the characters are set to be designed by Takehito Harada. The Disgae RPG franchise first made its debut in 2013 and is best described as a simulation RPG series which is set in an over-the-top Netherworld, where demons, angels, heroes, and evil lords run amok.
Disgaea 7 Story:
The game is set in a world called the “Hinomoto Netherworld Cluster,” which is inspired by Japanese culture. Our heroes will fight through the world in order to regain their lost Bushido. Many characters designed by Takehito Harada will appear, and the Disgaea series’ signature “replayability features” and “over-the-top battle systems” have been further enhanced.