DOOM Eternal Version 6.2 available on Nintendo Switch (Patch notes)


DOOM Eternal Version 6.2 available on Nintendo Switch (Patch notes)

DoOM, Eternal, Nintendo, Notes, patch, Switch, version

Bethesda has announced that a new update for the action-packed DOOM Eternal is available bringing the game to Version 6.2. This new update includes future in-game event cosmetic content along with the traditional bug fixes which some of you may have encountered. We have included the full list of big fixes along with those which are specific to the Nintendo Switch version. DOOM Eternal is available right now on the Nintendo Switch eShop.

Bug Fixes All Platforms


  • Fixed an issue in which the Undead Droid Revenant or Poison Frog Pain Elemental skin would no longer be equip-able for some users who had unlocked them


  • Fixed an issue in which the crucible was sometimes not usable against the DOOM Hunter, Kahn Maykr, Icon of Sin and Gladiator
  • Reduced frequency of issue in which health and armor drops from fallen demons would sometimes impair the Meat Hook, Destroyer Blade or Microwave Mod from functioning correctly. Note – this issue may still occur for some users but to a lesser extent. We appreciate your patience while we investigate the remaining instances of this bug!
  • Fixed an issue in which the Taras Nabad Master Level Unlock “You Got Stuff” notification on the Main Menu incorrectly displayed as Final Sin
  • Resolved an issue where the player would get a “No Target” message when attempting to chainsaw a tentacle within range after it attacks

Bug Fixes (Nintendo Switch Only)

  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE that would occasionally cause the Slayer to appear in T-pose while loading into a match
  • Fixed an issue in BATTLEMODE where the Slayer’s grenades would sometimes disappear while in mid-air
  • Resolved the Classic Doom Marine’s head not rendering correctly during some cinematic sequences and podium animations


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