Fortnite: Missions of Week 7 Season 1 – Chapter 6


Fortnite: Missions of Week 7 Season 1 – Chapter 6

chapter, Fortnite, missions, Season, Week

We are starting a new week, and with it, like every Tuesday, we now have the weekly challenges from Fortnite Battle Royale. But before you do them, don't forget to take a look at the ones from the collaboration with Godzilla.

As usual, today we bring you a small guide so that you know how to do these challenges in the simplest way possible. First let's review what the objectives are for this week:

Other content in this category:
  • Collect an Oni Mask in 3 different games
  • Eliminate 5 opponents with shotguns
  • Recover 50 health or shield points while with a specialist
  • Deliver 150 headshots from a combined range
  • Light 2 campfires

Collect an Oni Mask in 3 different games

In order to complete this challenge we will need to find a Fire Oni Mask or a Void Oni Mask. Although they usually appear in normal chests, I recommend playing it safe. Get closer to Masked Pond and look for the NPC who sells them.

Exact location of the NPC Daigo to buy Oni Masks

Eliminate opponents with shotguns

In this case it is pure ability which you will need to be able to complete this mission. Use any of the 3 shotguns available in the game to eliminate five opponents.

Recover health or shield while you have a specialist

First you will need to drop into any location where an NPC is available to hire. Once you spend 250 gold bars and you hire him you will only have to add 50 shield or health points.

Location of all recruitable Specialist NPCs this season

Deliver 150 headshots to players from a combined range

You must headshot your rivals by changing the distance several times so that this mission tells you. It is undoubtedly the most complicated of this week, but difficult to explain. So, I recommend that you use a gun or a subgun and shoot the head while moving.

Light 2 campfires

Without a doubt the easiest to do. You just have to find two healing bonfires on the map and light them. Nothing else!

cozy campfire

Definitely Fortnite gives us many options to be able to level up our account and our battle passes in the simplest way possible. Remember to also keep an eye on the collaborations with Godzilla and Miku to get more of this experience and enjoy them on your Nintendo Switch.

And you, what level are you currently? Good luck!

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