In a heartwarming announcement, developer Bandai Namco Online has revealed that Gundam Evolution, the stunning free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter, will say goodbye to its loyal player base on November 29. The news comes just over a year after her debut. on PC via Steam on September 21, 2022 and one year after its launch on consoles including PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 30, 2022. Executive producer Kazuya Maruyama expressed his deep regret in a heartfelt letter in which it says: “It is with great sadness that we announce the end of Gundam Evolution. We wanted to create a title that would bring together first-person shooter fans and Gundam fans. We challenged ourselves to create an authentic Gundam first-person shooter that could be played around the world. Unfortunately, we have determined that we can no longer provide a service that satisfies our players.”
The team at Bandai Namco Online aims to provide its community with one last exciting journey, as they have planned updates leading up to the end of the service. The sixth season, scheduled for August 23, will introduce a new unit and two exciting maps, while the final season on October 25 will bring another new unit and map that will keep players on their toes until the very end. The bittersweet “Mission Briefing Final” live broadcast on July 21 will offer fans the chance to cherish the moments and memories shared in the Gundam Evolution universe. The live stream will be available on YouTube, ensuring that no fan misses the chance to say goodbye to the match.