To celebrate the year of Shadow the Hedgehog, Sega is releasing a new officially titled animated series Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings. As part of Anime Expo 2024, he held a special panel where the first teaser trailer was shown.
In it you can see not only Shadow (voiced by Kirk Thornton), but also Maria (Stephanie Sheh), i spoiler alert… Emerl, which originally debuted in 2003/04. Game Boy Advance title Sonic Battle. Studio Giggex is behind the animation, Ian Flynn is the screenwriter, and the series will be a “three-episode prologue” due to arrive this month Drop
During the panel, Sonic Head Takashi Iizuka and company showed off a “brief history” of the Shadow the Hedgehog timeline that showcases some of the character’s key moments in his career ahead of the release of Sonic X Shadow Generations later this year, as well as Dark Beginnings. They also discussed the creation of the character.