How to beat Team GO Rocket Recruits in November 2022


How to beat Team GO Rocket Recruits in November 2022

beat, November, recruits, Rocket, Team

The recruits of Pokémon GO they are the lowest but most elementary step in the fight against Team GO Rocket.

This evil organization has once again deployed its thousands of squads of recruits across the globe, and players must battle them to collect small pieces of a mysterious device. As you defeat recruits you will progress further towards the encounter against the leader of the Team GO RocketGiovanni.

Not only will you get rewards after the fights, but you will have the opportunity to capture Pokémon dark. You will find everything you need to know about it throughout this article.

Tracks of all Recruits in November 2022

The list below will help you identify the Recluta del Team GO Rocket who you just talked to. Just look up the phrase he told you in the list below and use Pokémon that can counter his team:

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How many types of recruits are there?

One of the traditions of the players of Pokémon GO is to face the recruits of Team GO Rocket. Not only is it fun to defeat evil, but it’s also useful for preventing these villains from stealing your PokéStop items.

In November 2022 the recruits of Team GO Rocket are again the only way to find the pieces of the radar Rocket, a device that allows you to locate the leaders Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo. Each recruit it will drop a piece when defeated, and you need six of them to create the radar.

However, the radar will disappear after beating a leader of the Team GO Rocket in Pokémon GO. This means that you must defeat at least 18 of the 19 recruits if you want to find the leaders and have a chance to face the mastermind of the villains, Giovanni. It’s also a great opportunity to catch some Shadow Pokémon.

Reclutas team go Rocket pokemon go

How to differentiate the Recruits from the Team GO Rocket?

Los recruits of Team GO Rocket They are pretty predictable Pokémon GO. The reason is that, although there is no way to physically distinguish them, each one has a code phrase that identifies them.

For example, him recruit that says “These waters are treacherous!” will always use Water-type Pokémon, which will help you choose Pokémon better. Throughout this article you will find the specific monsters used by each recruit of Team GO Rocketas well as some suggestions to counteract them.

Recruit with Fire-type Pokémon 🔥

Do you know how hot the fire breath of Pokémon can be?

It is recruit will use Cyndaquil or Numel first; second to Magmar or Quilava; and the third will be randomly chosen from Ninetales, Camerupt, or Typhlosion. Fighting with Ground, Rock, or Water-type Pokemon like Tyranitar, Blastoise, Rhydon, and Vaporeon is recommended.

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Recruit with Water-type Pokémon 🌊

These waters are treacherous!

It is recruit will use Mudkip or Totodile first; second to Marshtomp or Croconaw; and third to Feraligatr or Swampert. Fighting Electric and Grass-type Pokémon like Sceptile, Leafeon, Magnezone, and Raikou is recommended.

If it’s a recruit girl, it is recommended to go with Venusaur since she will use Swampert, who has resistance to Electric moves. If is one recruit boy, you can use Electric-type counters like Magnezone.

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Recruit with Bug-type Pokémon 🐛

Come on, my mighty Bug-type Pokémon!

It is recruit will use Shuckle or Weedle first; second to Skorupi or Beedrill; and third to Scizor, Pinsir or Forretress. Fighting Rock, Fire, and Flying-type Pokemon like Moltres, Pidgeot, Entei, Charizard, and Alolan Golem is recommended.

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Recruit with Ground-type Pokémon 🦔

I’ll make you eat the dust!

It is recruit will use Geodude or Hippopotas first; second to Hippopotas or Graveler; and third to Camerupt, Hippowdon or Golem. Fighting Water, Grass, and Ice-type Pokémon like Gyarados, Weavile, Mamoswine, and Venusaur is recommended.

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Recruit with Electric-type Pokémon ⚡

Prepare to be amazed!

It is recruit will use Mareep or Shinx first; second to Voltorb or Electabuzz; and third to Ampharos, Luxray or Electabuzz. Fighting Ground-type Pokémon is recommended, so you have plenty of options. Groudon is one of the most popular, along with Rhyperior and Golem.

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Recruit with Ghost-type Pokémon 👻

And and and…!

It is recruit will use Sableye, Duskull or Misdreavus first; second to Banette or Dusclops; and third to Sableye, Banette or Dusknoir. Fighting Dark and Ghost-types is recommended, though Sableye can be a drawback against other Ghost-types.

A good option is to also take a Fairy-type Pokémon against this type of recruits. A team with Weavile, Gengar, and Gengar are currently heavily used.

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Recruit with Normal-type Pokémon 🦌

Normal does not mean weak!

It is recruit will use Whismur, Patrat or Rattata first; second to Loudred, Bidoof or Raticate; and third to Ursaring, Bibarel or Raticate. Fighting with Fighting-type Pokémon is recommended, especially the more powerful ones like Conkeldurr, Sawk, and Machamp.

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Recruit with Rock-type Pokémon

I am strong as a rock!

It is recruit will use Larvitar or Sudowoodo first; second to Anorith, Graveler or Lileep; and third to Pupitar, Tyranitar or Golem. It is recommended to fight with Grass, Ground, Steel, Water, and Fighting-type Pokémon. Popular counters include Machamp, Sceptile, Blastoise, and Steelix.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Sinister 🎃

I know it’s a hackneyed phrase, but… Wherever there is light, there are also shadows…

It is recruit will use Alolan Purrloin or Rattata first; second to Stunky or Alolan Raticate; and third to Honchkrow, Cacturne or Alolan Raticate. Fighting Bug, Fairy, or Fighting-type Pokemon like Sylveon, Togekiss, Togekiss, and Machamp is recommended.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Dragon 🐉

GRRR! What did you think of that?

It is recruit will use Dratini or Alolan Exeggutor first; second to Flygon or Exeggutor from Alola; and third to Dragonite, Flygon or Salamance. Fighting Ice-, Dragon-, or Fairy-type Pokémon like Weavile, Glaceon, and the popular Sylveon is recommended.

Dragon-type Pokémon have resistance and weakness to each other, so choose carefully. Some good options are Gardevoir, Walrein, and Dragonite.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Combine 🧚

Look at my Pokémon so cute!

It is recruit will use Snubbull or Ralts first; second to Snubbull, Granbull or Kirlia; and third to Granbull or Kirlia. Fighting Steel- or Poison-type Pokemon, such as Aggron, Metagross, Gengar, and Roserade, is recommended.

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Recruit with Grass-type Pokémon 🌿

Do not hesitate to us!

It is recruit he will use Cacnea or Chikorita first; second to Cacturne; and third to Meganium, Cacturne or Amoonguss. It is recommended to fight with Bug, Flying, Ice, Poison or Fire type Pokémon. Some recommended options include Pyroar, Charizard, Entei, and Moltres.

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Recruit with Fighting-type Pokémon 🥊

These muscles aren’t just for show!

It is recruit of Team GO Rocket specializes in Fighting Pokémon. At first he will use Makuhita or Machop; second to Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee; and third to Machoke, Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan. It is recommended to fight with Fairy, Psychic and Flying type Pokémon. Some counters can be Machamp, Talonflame, or Gardevoir.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Poison ☠️

In position and ready to attack!

It is recruit of Team GO Rocket will use male Nidoran, Foongus or Zubat first; second to Nidorino or Nidorina; and third to Weezing or Muk. Fighting Psychic- and Ground-type Pokémon like Espeon, Tyranitar, and Mewtwo is recommended.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Flying 🐦

My bird Pokémon wants to battle with you!

It is recruit will use Starly, Murkrow or Ducklett first; second to Golbat or Staravia; and third to Gyarados, Crobat or Dragonite. Fighting Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokémon like Tyranitar, Abomasnow, and Electrivire is recommended.

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Recruit with type Pokémon ice 🧊

The cold can paralyze you, don’t you know?

It is recruit will use Alolan Swinub or Sandshrew first; second to Snover or Sandslash from Alola; and third to Cloyster, Abomasnow or Lapras. It is recommended to fight with Fire, Fighting, and Rock-type Pokémon like Tyranitar, Machamp, Golem, and Snover as backup.

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Recruit with type Pokémon Psychic 🔮

Do psychics who use an invisible power scare you?

It is recruit of Team GO Rocket he will use Abra or Girafarig first; second to Girafarig or Ralts; and third to Metang, Hypno or Alakazam. Fighting Bug, Ghost, or Dark-type Pokémon like Weavile, Tyranitar, and Houndoom is recommended.

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