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Pokémon Go It is one of the most popular and important mobile phone titles in the industry since its launch. To this day, it remains a popular phenomenon with a large number of events and tickets. Nevertheless, sometimes various errors arise
Recently, several players encountered a problem when they bought a ticket for an event which disappeared almost immediately. The ticket, which was supposedly for a “Go Fest with Toxtricity”, never materialized.
To solve the confusion, Niantic has decided to compensate those affected with a pass to the next event, Pokémon Go Wild Area
Niantic Makegood for accidental “gofest” ticket
byu/Tymcc03 inTheSilphRoad
On social networks, The players have shown their gratitude
As we see, Niantic is providing quick solutions in response to the various requests or problems of the fans. An example of this is the recent adjustment to raids.