Of the three concert makers it was Nintendo who spent a fortune on television ads in April 2020. The company made $ 6.5 million in TV ads in the United States in the month of closing. However, all firms spent less in April than in the previous months on advertising. PlayStation came in second, spending about $ 5.5 million, and Xbox spending $ 1 million.
Nintendo earns an estimated $ 6.5 million in revenue, down from March's $ 14.6 million. The product has appeared 14 times over 3,500 times, producing 518.3 million TV ad revenue. The commercial with a large budget budget (estimated at $ 834,641) was "My Way to Play: Unity Games." Nick, Cartoon Network, and Nick Toons were the three networks with the highest spending, while topping the list SpongeBob SquarePants, Middle House, and the 2020 NFL Draft.
Venture Beat