A few hours ago we confirmed with you that Bolifacio took control of the official Twitter account of Pokemon, although its main objective was not clear.
Through Twitter, the charismatic character shared some labels proposing different retweet challenges and offering a "mysterious gift" in return for Pokémon Sword and Shield.
You can watch a video of Bolifacio showing his fascination with Poké Balls then:
– Ball Guy (@Pokemon) December 19, 2019
Bolifacio offers gifts for Pokémon Sword and Shield
It seems that Bolifacio he has taken the official Pokémon account to be able to openly distribute his "mysterious gifts" for the retweets achieved in his challenges; that how could it be otherwise, consist of varied Poké Balls
From this moment, players can enter the following codes in any version of Pokémon Sword and Shield to receive these sets of Poké Balls:
- Code: K0UN1NMASC0T
- 1 Ball Level
- 1 Luna Ball
- 1 Rapid Ball
- Code: 1YAHAYA
- Ball weight
- Bait Ball
- Ente Ball
The Ball Guy Twitter takeover and hashtag is part of a Twitter rally. #ボールガイ
The code K0UN1NMASC0T can now be used in any version of Pokémon Sword and Shield to receive:
* 1x Level Ball
* 1x Moon Ball
* 1x Fast BallBe sure to thank Ball Guy for the cool balls. https://t.co/ZlBqQxzonY
— PLDH (@PLDHnet) December 19, 2019
What difference do Poké Balls have?
The Pokémon universe is full of variations of every utility item, from food to the Poké Balls we use to capture our Pokémon. Of course, Pokémon Sword and Shield
The Ball level serves to increase the chances of capture when used with a Pokemon lower level than Pokemon that the player is using at that time.
The Moon ball It is especially useful for specifically capturing the Pokémon that evolve through a Moonstone, like Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Nidorino and Nindorina.
The Rapid ball It serves to deal with Pokémon with a lot of speed that usually slip easily. That is why it increases the chances of capturing a Pokemon
The Ball weight, as the name implies, is useful to increase the chances of capturing a Heavy pokemon.
The Bait Ball it's a kind of Poké Ball especially effective for capturing Pokémon we find fishing, specifically using the Rod.
The Ente Ball It is especially useful for capturing Pokémon that come from Ultra space, known as Ultraentes, among which are Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Guzzlord, Kartana, Poipole, Celesteela, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon.