We get news about Pokemon Sword and Shield. Apparently, a bug has been found in the game that is affecting the online mode.
According to what has been shared, the players have discovered how to get out of an online combat that, for example, they have lost. without this negatively affecting their score
Thanks to this, players do not lose points for having been defeated in combat. This serious exploit has been viralized by social networks, as you can see in the message that we leave below. It will surely be patched soon, so we will be attentive to more details.
【え ぐ い】 切断 し て も 負 け に な ら な い 方法
勝負 に 負 け た! が 出 た あ と し ゅ い ん っ て な る と こ で 電源 ボ タ ン を 押 し た ら 反映 さ れ な い。
5 回 た め し て 5 回 と も さ が り ま せ ん で し た。 【ラ ン ク マ ッ チ 崩 壊】 pic.twitter.com/rNzGdYld02– 親友 の せ め ぽ よ (@Ka_Cr_He) March 30, 2020
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