Bienvenido, benvenuta, أهلا بك, bienvenue, willkommen, bem, bem-vinda, よ う こ そ and you are welcome to the Box Art Brawl, a series where you vote on the best box art from similar state districts.
Last week we took a look ISS 64 as it was hosting a rare three-ball game. After a tough 90 minutes Europe won the victory with 58% of the winning votes. Japan came in second with just under half as North America followed in third place. As a game analyst can say, "Poor old man … COURT OF MERICA!"
Living with the N64 this week, we have a game that took a different name in each, not to mention a completely different cover design. North American readers will know as Demand 64, even in Europe we called it Holy Century. No matter what it cost, it was a respectable RPG from the imagineer on the non-blessed RPG console console.
Enough beating with a tree – let's continue the Holy Magic Eltale Demand! … 64.
Known as Eltale Monsters, An engineer imagineer published in Japan and we find a large, bold and colorful logo on the front and center at the bottom of the box with beautiful key jewelry behind it. Brian (yes, really) throws down his mage-y stick to us as the evil team looks behind him.
The all-white background might have helped the game get off the shelf, though we would have liked to see a bit more color contrast. A strong start from the East.
North America
Looking for a 64 jettisoned art gallery for something … different. Let's start with the integration points. We love the logo, with its colorful decorations, the decorative frame and the purple polished flag behind it. It also has bright colors, almost all values are calculated somewhere or somewhere.
The & # 39; 90s CG stylings do not feature classic, or hand-drawn art, too, and this cover looks reasonable & # 39; as kids & # 39; s a Japanese variant, despite the cute pig arms and the glittering red eyes (and gray toupées?) of wolves clashing with old Brian. Maybe the fault lies with the publisher THQ.
There is a deeper problem here, too – the dragon Duplo on the top right may be in the background and it's too big, though the fact that its tail is in front of the logo flag – as is Brian's crew – suggests that it is a pillow – it flies up in the air just above Brian.
Probably so! We admit we missed Quest 64 back in the day. However, with the strength of the NA cover, we will be adding it to the backdrop.
The EU cover wears Brian's great art from the Japanese cover, throws in a mysterious black sky over some red rocks in the background and adds a sad group of senseless attacks on the back of our hero. The new headline gets good logo treatment and is backed by sensitive skin and EU publisher Konami rejects the standard black border of the EU PAL boxes allowing a single black stripe down the side.
It's not perfect, but it looks like a quality product – something that can sit proudly on the side Ocarina of Time on the shelf.
Three completely different covers, one vote. Give your preferences by clicking and then & # 39; Vote & # 39; below to exercise your democratic right:
The quest is over. Thanks to KitsuneNight for this week's proposal, and for all the voting. We'll see you next in another Box Art Brawl.