Those of you who have lived in the UK will definitely count the cost Hurricane Ciara, having done all it could to invade the British Isles in the past few days. High winds and heavy rains have caused havoc across the country, from power cuts, canceled trains, it left sporting events and a few trampolines have gone up.
However, all of that seems irrelevant when you consider that this storm has claimed one of the most well-known birds in video game history. Turn your eyes when you're in crisis, or love 90s N64 platformers action:
Kazooie used to be proud of the place inside Rare & # 39; s HQ (as you can see in the lead photo at the top of the page), but he was kicked out with a bunch of other characters. Sadly, it looks like he's still the ultimate victim of Storm Ciara; Reports say he wandered for a moment after the tragic incident at the moment.
Former Rare employee Chris Seavor has another explanation, but …