The creator of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai, recently recounted an experience he had in the arcades, which when people heard it years ago, they believed influenced the nature of the Super Smash Bros franchise. However, those rumors turned out to be false. He recently denied a long-standing rumor about his personal account
“The challenger jumped into the game. I continued to fight them and execute my moves with style. With Takuma Sakazaki, I jumped, then did a powerful kick, uppercut, Ku-Ou Ken, Hien Shippuu Kyaku and Zanretsuken – a fancy, flashy combo with three special moves one after the other. But something was wrong,” Sakurai begins. “The other side did not retaliate. When I peeked on the other side, I was surprised to see an ordinary couple sitting there. It was a friend who played. I couldn’t help but think I messed up.”
As for the rumours, it affected Smash Bros:
“When I play games with other people, I try to be as nice as possible to entry-level players. Some say it’s rude to hold back, but that’s simply not true! — Some rumors have suggested that Super Smash Bros. came about as a result of the story I’m talking about in this episode, but I can confirm that’s not the case. This experience had no influence on the concept behind Smash Bros.”