One of the great animated sequels, the long-awaited Super Mario Bros. Movie 2, will be full of Easter Eggs that fans will be able to spot once the movie is released in 2026. The wonderful news comes courtesy of the voice behind the beloved Toad in the movie, voice actor Keegan Michael-Key. It states that the film will be larger in scope compared to its predecessor, which was the second highest-grossing film of 2023. Here’s what Mr. Michael-Key had to say about the Super Mario Bros. movie. 2.
“One thing I can say about the second movie is that it’s a little bit broader in scope, and where it takes place is a very intriguing lore and Mario world. They’re going to find some really fantastic Easter eggs and it’s been very exciting so far.”
“I feel like what they’ve done creatively is they’ve really expanded the universe that these characters live in and we’re going to meet some new people. We’re going to meet some new people who are old favorites and some people who I think have deep cuts, but because of the way the story is set up right now, those characters are going to be very intriguing.”