Despite appearing already in the SNES Nintendo switchch Online library, Super Tennis ready to strike again with its eShop release. It boasts great graphics for the Model 7 and clever Gameplay, Super … hang on … we just have a word that this it is not and SNES game, but rather a completely new tennis title is blessed with the same name. Confused? Don't worry, we were too.
Super Tennis is playing nothing as its seminal SNES. In fact, it doesn't really play out either a tennis match. It looks similar to the one, but the main gameplay actually has elements of a well-integrated set of buttons displayed on the screen from time to time. By doing so, your character will hit the ball and return to the net against the opponent. Finish this many times, and you will win the game. Missed one time, but the game was over.
If you're not ready for this type of gameplay that goes into Super Tennis, it's a great experience and one that doesn't improve much over time. There is almost no difference in the game, and the only thing the game is trying to do is mix things up and throw in some bad weather here and there. The problem with this, however, is that they are not indeed
As you work through the areas – including, London, New York, and (ahem) Area 51 – you will unveil some pretty unique special costumes. The variety here is impressive, and you can even change your underwear with a custom screen – so you can have a policeman make some colorful pink shorts, if you wish. The costumes are a cosmetic show in itself, which is a shame, because it would have been nice to include some bonus elements to at least promote some playtime.
Depending on the presentation, the game actually looks good. The blocky, pixelated style is undoubtedly overused at this point, but it works well here, and the bright colors and the smooth balance of the design make it an attractive match. On the flip side, the comment voice that passes between games is made up of regular phrases that become completely irresistible after a while.
Or without comparing Sky Tennis with real Super Tennis, the game in particular falls flat as a compelling sports title. Once you've mastered the gameplay (which you'll definitely love after 2 or 3 games), it becomes surprisingly repetitive with little incentive to move on without seeing the beautiful unstoppable costumes. If you have just moved to Switch from another console and wish to learn the architecture of a controller, then it's a great way to do that, but otherwise self a tennis match, you'll want to look elsewhere.