The island of Fortnite It is still affected by the alien invasion, but thanks to update 17.21 we have a new weapon to face both the invaders and our rivals: the plasma cannon.
This powerful tool fires a slowly advancing sphere of energy, surrounded by an electric dome. Enemies caught in the dome will take a lot of damage and will be knocked back. It is so powerful that it affects vehicles in the same way (not even Ferrari You are safe).
As if that were not enough, the plasma cannon is capable of destroying buildings almost immediately. Be careful, a cannon can only hold five energy spheres and fire one at a time (unless they have two cannons).
How to find or build a plasma cannon in Fortnite?
The Plasma Cannon is found in normal and Organization chests. We can also manufacture it combining a legendary pistol with an alien nanomachine.
The countdown of the abductor cymbals in Fortnite
After updating Fortnite to version 17.21, we notice that a new abduct saucerr has appeared above The Cataclysm in the center of the map. As if that were not enough, we can see a countdown on each of these dishes and in the waiting room of the game.
We still do not know what will happen when the countdown reaches its end, but we will be very vigilant when this happens in Fortnite the Friday, August 6, 2021 at 5:00 pm (Colombian time).
Source: Epic Games